
MMPR 63: Teamwork (3)

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Teamwork 63

“Stop the pollution of our neighborhood.”

Gery and Ash stood in the halls of Angel Grove High with a small table and a handful of fliers as they tried to get the less then motivated students to take a moment of their time out their day to hear the duo out

“Sign a petition, shut the dump site down,” Ask added on as he held out a pencil and clipboard to a passing student.

“We can hardly stand the smell.”
“Let them know that you care.”
“Please sign up.”

It was hardly going as the boys would have liked as they gray haired principal made her rounds through the halls.

“Oh, hi, Ms. Kaplan.”

She smiled warmly as she looked over the display and the petition list, “Now, this is wonderful, boys It's dandy that you're trying to clean up the environment. But is the dump site as bad as you say?”

“You should see the place, Ms. Kaplan.”
“It's an industrial waste disaster.”
“Who could stand to pollute like that?”

On the moon Rito laughs, “My factory will ruin the whole planet! Using their own pollution against them is a stroke of genius. Once my monster eliminates the Power Rangers Earth is finished!”

Back at the High School the boys continue their evangelizing, “Sign a petition.”
“Help clean up the dump site.”

“We can live in a cleaner environment.”
“Come on, save our Earth!”

“Hey, guys, what's up?” Altha walked the halls with Velma and Beth beside her, outside of martial arts classes she seemed like almost a different person, soft spoken, and more petite then the girls who flanked with her large glasses it was hard to see her as a white belt let alone a black belt in martial arts.

“Hi, girls.”

“Looks like you're attracting a crowd,” Altha notes as small number of people crowded around the boys finished signing and meandered off giving the quintet some more personal interaction space.

“You conducting a campaign?” Velma wondered curiously.

“We're delivering these petitions, today,” Gery begins.


“Maybe we can convince them to clean up the mess.”

“Yeah, you guys want to sign?”


The girls all nod as they add their names to the growing list.

“Why don't you come with us, girls.”

Altha gave a long breath and looked anxiously at her feet, “I'd love to, but I have a karate class that I have to teach later and, I mean, it's a great cause but I can't bug out on my students.”

Velma's voice crackled next in unease, “I-I'd love to but I'm President of the Science Fair Committee and today's our first meeting.”

Leaving only Beth who also flustered and fumbled for her words, “Uh, I'd love to, ladies, but, Alpha he said she has something to talk to me about, right away and I promised to meet her, sorry!”

“It's okay,” Ash sighs.

“Ash and I will go alone but, it would be a lot more impressive if we acted like a team.”

“Sorry, guys,” Altha flusters again, “if it was any other day you know I'd be there.”

“Well, thanks for signing the petitions, girls.”

“Good luck.”
“See you later.”

And the trio move off Bulk, Skull, and the third member of their gang, a punkish young man, made their presence known.

“I'll help,” Skull pips up first only for Bulk to slap her back and belch.

“We don't do geek, Skull,” before crushing a soda can in hand and dropping it on the floor, “Recycle that.”

“Get a life, Bulk,” Ash laughs.

As their banter continues a student walks past them and picks up the can dropping it in the near by bin.

“Why don't you take this to the dump with you?” Bulk laughs as she dumps the can all over the young girls head.

“That does it! You're out of line!” ash storms over ready to pound some sense into Bulk.

“Bring it, I ain't afraid of some cripple!”

Ash sighed as several students were stopping to watch the events unfold and he became intimately aware of the fact he was about to beat up on an overweight girl and sighs.

“Come on! Let's get them!”

Gery moved to support his friend as Bulk and Skull charged but the boys quickly stepped to the side and grabbed their arms flipping each of the duo into a trash bin.

“Guess you finally flipped over me,” Skull joked as their last gang member tried to help pull Bulk free.

“Well, it looks like it's time to take out the trash,” Gery laughs, inciting the crown to join him.

“And deliver these petitions,” Ash adds as they make their exits. “Bye.”

Back on the moon Rito watches the boys approach the waste site with dark glee, “Oh, this is sweet! Ash and Gery are about to walk into my waste dump.  Oh, it's perfect! Those boys don't stand a chance.”

“If those boys find out it's you plant won't that ruin your plan?” Babboo notes.

“We'll ambush them with Putties, and then finish them with a monster,” Goldar counters.

“Right! We can't lose this one,” Squatt laughs.

“Prepare the Putties,” Rito's grin grows wider, “they've got work to do.”

“This is gross,” Ash holds the petitions closer as they navigate the barrels and sludge of the dump site.

“What do you suppose that stuff is?” Gery wonders as his eyes are drawing to a disgusting pool of brown leaking from a large vat into the earth.

“I don't think I want to know.”

As they continue to navigate the grounds the duo pause at the sound of voices, “You think that's the owners?”

“Let's go find out.”

“This place is poison,” a young black woman notes as she looks around with a quartet of other friends, all sharing the same green globe tee shirt just as ash and Gery come into view.

“Who do you think is beh-” A boy with a Russian accent begins before the appearance of the boys breaks his trains of thought.

Gery forces a laugh as he holds out one of the petition forms, “Don't suppose you're the owners.”

“Na bro,” a girl with a Brooklyn accent cuts in, “We're the Plan--”

“Anyone else feel like we're being watched?” A young tanned girl notes as she hold up a hand with a mood ring on it as it seem to glimmer a moment.

“We've got company!” Gery exclaims as contingent of Putties surrounded the seven teenager.

Gery and Ash take combat stances as the quintet level their rings at the monsters.

“Putty Patrollers!”


“Wind!” the Russian boy announces as a gust of wind knocks a couple of the putties back giving the two Rangers pause.

“Nice work Link, with all the pollution soaking the earth my ring isn't working right.”

“And it probably isn't a good idea to go around shooting fireballs in a place like that.”

“Mine isn't working either,” the other boy notes

Shaking their heads confused Gery and Ash clear their minds as they charge the Putties.

“Good, they're fighting,” Rito gloats, “I don't know who the new kids are but all we have to do is send a monster!”

“That's why you brought me here, Alpha?” Beth says annoyed as she stands before Alpha in the Command Center “Check it out.”

“I'm watching.”

Dance music begins playing and Beth starts into a demonstration of her unique Martial Arts

“Wow! Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi!”

“See? And that's what Hip-hop Kido is all about.”

The blare of sirens cuts the lesson short as Zordonna speaks up as he brings up the fight on the Viewing Globe, “Beth, Alpha the boys are in trouble. The Putties have them outnumbered.”

“Oh, no! Dudes in trouble, dudes in trouble! What are we going to do?” Alpha begins to panic.

“Bring the rest of the team. Altha, Velma, teleport here immediately. It's urgent!”

In a flash of red and blue Altha and Velma arrive.

“What's up?” Altha wonders calmly.

“Ashley and Geryon are in trouble.”

“Hey, gals take a look,” Beth draws their attention to the Viewing Globe.

“We've got to help them.”

On the Globe they watch as Ash struggles to break free of a Putties grip but with the other five teens there they are tone on how to help, “Let me go!”

“Finster, it's time! Is the monster ready?” Rito moves to the lab as Finster finishes the last touches on her latest monster.

“Yes, the Minotaur is nearly complete,” Finster explains as she sets down her tools and moves it to the Monster-Matic and starts it up, “There, done.”

“Get to the dump site immediately and...” Zordonna begins, “Wait, Rito has sent down a monster. You'd better deal with her first.”

“It's a most menacing Minotaur,” Velma notes as the viewing gloves switches to the new monster.

“Here you can share mine,” Altha grabs Velma hand as she fishes her poiwer coin from her pocket, “It's Morphin Time!”

“Triceratops! Mastodon! Tyrannosaurus!”
“Power Rangers!”

Teleporting to where the Minotaur is the blue and black jump kick the monster only to  be deflected by her shield forcing Red to step orward and draw her side arm, “This guy is tough! I'll get him with my Blade Blaster!”

But even that is useless as the blast is deflected back and hits all three girls.

“Are you all right?”

As Gery and Ash meet up after splitting up they count their blessing that they seem to have lost the quintet.

“Yeah, did we got them all?”

“Uh-oh.” Gery notes as he notes a few Putties heading their way and nearly falls backward into an open container behind him and Ash.  “Oh Ash, look.”

Ash sighs dropping to one knee and rubbing his brace, “Of all the times...”

Before the Putties notice them Gery quickly flips Ash backward into the container and leans in, “Just keep quiet, I'll lead then away.”

Ash fumes as Gery shouts and runs off, “Come on, clay brains, come and get me!”

“Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi! More trouble on the way, Zordonna!” Alpha panics as Goldar appears on the Viewing Globe.

“This is a dangerous turn of events, Alpha. Contact the boys. Tell them to morph and hook up with the others. Working together as a team is their only hope.”

Slipping away from the pursuing Putties Gery quickly answers Zordon, “Got it, Zordon but Ash's leg is asking up I don't think he'll be ready to join us.”

“I'll be fine,” Ash growls over the com, “Let's just get this over with!”

“Pterodactyl! Sabre-toothed Tiger!”
“Power Rangers!”

A contingent of Putties appear to assault the boys as they arrive to fight Goldar, “Get them!”

Goldar advances on Yellow who does his best to dodge out of the way as both rangers fend off Putties.

“You're mine!”

“Yeah? You've got to catch us first,” Yellow counters as he and Pink flip away.

Closing in on Pink Goldar delivers a heavy sword slash before being restrained by Yellow, “Ash, call the others, get help!”

“Right!” Pink stumbles to his feel as he staggers off.

“Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi! The Power Rangers have their hands full!”

“Yes, this is the toughest situation they have faced yet,” Zordonna muses, “Perhaps the time has come to reveal the ancient secrets of the Power Weapons.”

As Red, Blue, and Black struggle to get one up on the Minotaur Squatt and Baboo further complicate things by sending boulders from the cliffs above rolling down towards them.
“Look out!”

Rito Gloats from the moon, “You're finished!”

Yellow and Pink weren’t doing much better.

“Alpha return the Power Rangers to the Command Center for new instructions.”

As the Rangers teleported out Rito's grin grew wider, “They're running away! Now, the world will be ours for the taking!”

“Hey, what's going on here?” Red wonders as they are summarily telported to the Command Center.

“I will answer you. Wit the difficulty of the battle you were engaged in I felt now was the time to reveal new powers and weapons.” Zordonna begins, “Behold Velma, this is your Power Lance: a weapon of great power and range.”

And in the Blue Ranger's hands appeared a blue tri-horned lance.

“Ashley, behold your Power Bow: accurate and strong. Altha, this is your Power Sword: key to all the weapons power. Beth, behold the Power Axe: lightning quick and hard as diamond. Geryon, your Power Daggers are feather-light and true. Together you will be unstoppable.”

“That Minotaur is history!” Pink exclaims as he holds up his bow in trumph.

“Alright here's the plan,” Red explains as they are in transit, “We'll give the Minotaur a taste of our weapons. If that doesn't work, we'll bring them together and give him a blast of Mega Power. You with me?”
“All the way!”

“All right, Minotaur, you're going down!” Red announces as they arrive back at the battle.
“You got that right! You're yesterday's news!”
“Face it, Minotaur, you're finished!”
“Why don't you go back where you came from? Before you get hurt!”
“Yeah! And the same goes for Rito!”

“Power Rangers!”

Launching into the fight Pink and Yellow lead which get the Minotaur off her feet, follow by an assault from blue and Black and finally a heavy slash from Reds sword send the Minotaur tumbling before the Power Weapons begins to glow and Zordonna voice emanates from them.

“Rangers, The time is right to bring these weapons together. Act together, as one.”

“Let's do it!”

The Five cross their weapons as the Minotaur gets back to her feet as the five bring their weapons together for the first time.

“Power Ax!”
“Power Bow!”
“Power Daggers!”
“Power Lance!”
“Power Sword!”

“Power Rangers!”

“Uh-oh,” the Minotaur knows trouble when she sees it as Red descends from the sky with the combined blaster in hand as the other four take op support positrons under and around her.


And with one massive Mega Blast The minotaur was defeated.

“I can't believe it! We were this close to beating the Power Geeks! If it wasn't for your monster, we'd have done it!” Rito fumes on the moon.

“Send m back down Master,” Goldar pleads, “they are exulted and will be easy to defeat!”

“Good idea Goldar! Go!”

As the Rangers take a breath Goldar arrives, now giant size.

“You have got to be kidding me!” Pink sighs exhausted.

“Zordonna,” Red doesn’t miss a beat, “We need DinoZoid Power now!”

As they form the Megazord and engage the quintet at the waste dump catch their own breaths as the last Putty falls.

“That was unlike anything we've faced before.”

“No kidding, I was sure we would need to combine our powers,” the Asian boy notes with a pant.

“Yo with all this waste around not sure if it would even work,” The New Yorker girl adds.

Before they could say much else though the five found themselves transported, and landing in the Command Center.

“Whoa!” The tank girl back peddles, bumping into Alpha.

“Welcome to our Command Center, Planeteers!”

“Who are you?” The Black girl asks calmly and curiously.

“I am Zordonna, leader of the Power Rangers. The real question is what brings you to Angel Grove?”

“Like duh,” The New Yorker cuts in, “the place is polluted to the high heavens we're investigating it.”

“Ah just as I suspected. Gaia is in good heath then I assume?”

“As good as she can be with the Earth polluted as it is,” the Russian boy notes.

“Zordonna,” Alpha interrupts as the Viewing Globes comes to life, showing Goldar fleeing, “The Ranger have won again!”

“Good Transport them here, Ashley and Geryon should know who they were fighting beside earlier.”

“You coward!” Rito howls as Goldar returns hitting her over the head with his staff, “All the bad guys in the universe and I had to get stuck with these nitwits!”

“Things sure work out better when we work as a team, huh?” Gery notes as the teens walk the halls of Angle Grove high together.

“Maybe with a little teamwork we'll get the dump site closed down yet,” Velma adds as they reach the trash Bulk and Skull strewn over the floor earlier just as Ms. Kaplan arives with a shake of her head. “Uh-oh.”

“Look at this place. Why hasn't it been cleaned up, yet? You, there. I want to talk to you.”

The girls shrug as Gery and Ash already start picking up the trash.

Before Kaplan can discipline the rangers a man's voice over the PA draws her attention, “Ms. Kaplan, Mr. Quagmire wants you.”

“One moment.”

“Why don't we show a little teamwork and get this place cleaned up?” Altha smiles as the girls join the boys as they get to work quickly clearing the mess from the halls just before Kaplan returns.

“Nice work, team,” Gery laughs as he pats Altha's back.

“What happened to the mess?” Kaplan asks confused.

“Mess, what mess?” Altha answers casually.

Flustered Kaplan wanders off, “Oh...”

“Congratulations, Power Team, you've done well, keep up the good work.” Zordonna comes in over their static filled communicators, “Please excuse the static. Alpha has been so busy practicing her dance steps that she keeps short-circuiting the control console.”

“That's kicking! Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi!”

Dance music filters in with the static as Beth laughs,  “Alpha my girl, forget about the hip-hop, girl. Keep being a robot and keep that console working.”

With a face palm from Beth the others burst out laughing.
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